Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors Advocacy
We Are Stronger Together. BFRB Changemakers collaborates with other BFRB advocacy non-profits/charities to support and amplify community healing:
What does the Non-Profit Alliance Do?
Leaders from Alliance organizations meet every few months to ideate and take action together. This could be working together on social media awareness campaigns, planning events or coming up with new ideas that support the BFRB community. If you know a BFRB-related organization leader that should join the BFRB Community Alliance, please connect us via email.
BFRB Community Alliance
BFRB UK & Ireland
WebsiteBFRB UK & Ireland is a charitable organization that has offered peer-led support groups for people living with Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs), including hair pulling, skin picking, nail biting, and associated disorders and their loved ones since 2015.
WebsiteLos Compartamientos Repetitivos Centrados en el Cuerpo (CRCC) is the Spanish version of Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs).
CRCC es dedicado a disminuir el padecimiento causado por los trastornos como tricotilomanía, excoriación y otras CRCCs.
CRCC is dedicated to reducing the suffering caused by disorders such as trichotillomania, excoriation and other CRCCs.
CRCC Espana
CRCC Espana pomove el conocimiento científico y tratamiento de CRCCs y apoya a las personas afectadas y a sus familiares.
CRCC Espana promote the scientific knowledge and treatment of BFRBs and supports those affected and their loved ones.
CRFC Italia Comunitá
WebsiteComunità CRFC is the first Italian community created to support people with Comportamenti Ripetitivi Focalizzati sul Corpo (CRFC).
The Lyder Foundation
WebsiteThe Lyder Foundation is redefining barriers in communities of color for individuals living with BFRBs with education, access, equity, and resources.
Not Alone Notes
WebsiteNot Alone Notes mails handwritten notes to caregivers and individuals living with OCD and related conditions (like BFRBs) to remind them they aren’t alone, encourage hope, and dispense resources.
PickingME Foundation
WebsitePicking Me Foundation is dedicated to advocating for Dermatillomania Awareness (Skin Picking Disorder), educates medical professionals and encourages individuals to choose themselves by "#PickingMe over Skin Picking."