100 Changemakers for 100 days of BFRB Awareness

I’m a hair-puller and a hairstylist - the Trichotillomania Hairstylist. I’ve been living every day of the past 25 years with Trichotillomania, the hair-pulling disorder.
I haven’t always loved my trichotillomania and hair loss.
My journey with trichotillomania began over 25 years ago when I started pulling out my eyelashes and eyebrows at age 4. A few years later, my hands moved to my left hairline. With that, the number of hairs I pulled increased exponentially.
In my teens, if you even mentioned the word “hair” around me, I’d flinch and change the conversation. Wanting nothing more than to stop pulling, I tried everything from doctors and meds to fidget toys and hair pulling journals. Nothing worked - my bald spots only got bigger and bigger, as did the headbands and bandanas I wore everyday to cover up those growing spots.
At the age of 16, I was no longer able to cover up my bald spots with headbands. My mother brought me to a local hairstylist who specialized in alternative hair. I got my first hair piece, and with that my life changed for the better.
Slowly, I decided I no longer wanted to live my life feeling defined by my deepest, darkest secret - my trichotillomania. Even more, I didn’t want others to feel defined by their own experience with hair loss.
In 2016, I quit my first job out of college and joined the beauty industry to support those with trichotillomania and spread awareness about it and other hair disorders.
Today, I am a hairstylist at Élan Hair Studio, a salon specializing in hair loss solutions, in Houston, TX. Behind the chair, I strive to provide each of my clients - men, women, and children - with a safe space to begin taking control of their hair loss journey.
My life changed for the better when I could wake up feeling confident about my hair and my hair loss. I want to help others who are struggling to feel the same.
I am now on a journey of acceptance and self-compassion; I’m learning to love my trichotillomania, my hair (or lack thereof), and most importantly, myself. Yes, I still pull out my hair everyday (actually, I haven’t had a pull-free day in years), but I’m ok with that! I no longer live my life wishing for a day without trichotillomania, because I love my life NOW with trichotillomania.
Support BFRB Changemakers
BFRB Changemakers supports BFRB healing through community. Our mission is 3-fold:
- raise awareness of debilitating conditions of Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) such as compulsive hair pulling (trichtotillomania), nail biting (onychophagia), and skin picking (dermatillomania),
- increase and improve access to care, and
- advance community recovery.
Through the BFRB Changemakers Training Academy we strive to increase access to care by offering Continuing Education training to new and seasoned mental health treatment professionals.
BFRB Changemakers is a 501c3 non-profit (EIN #93-1544492). Please make a donation to support these efforts!